There's a text field named txtName. This text field will contain the name. I begin with the phrase txt to remind myself that this is a text box. ✓ The second element .... readFileSync(__dirname+'/'+'data.txt', 'utf8'); } catch (err) { // do nothing } console.log(contents); Many Node.js API functions come in two forms: an asynchronous .... ... Along with file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt, you'll see a couple of extra elements at the beginning of the array: [ 'node', '/home/jdoe/linecount.js', 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt', .... Copying afile. curl http://localhost:8000/file.txt File not found $ curl-X PUT -d hello ... Another approach is to use promises, which were introduced in Node.js 361 Error .... call the async function readFile(`${__dirname}/../temp/sample.txt`) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.log('err: ', error.message)); This code .... Copying Files Let's try out the PHP copy function to create a clone of testfile.txt. Type Example 7-7 and save it as copyfile.php, and then call up the program in .... NameLast modifiedSizeParent Directory‑AVCP/2017‑05‑13 13:52‑AVCP2.png2017‑05‑13 13:52162KView 139 more rows. Jul 1, 2021 — TXT delivers the lyrics (RM of BTS contributed to writing) with explosive force, the most impactful being vocalist Taehyun's coarsely growled lines.. ... that served up the web page containing the JavaScript making the request. ... the request object simply needs to know the file's name, such as my_file.txt. c2a68dd89a